Friday, June 24, 2011

night cruises

There was a memorial cruise organized for a young bloke who lost his life in a car accident after a drunk driver hit his car, and around 300 or so cars/people turned up last saturday night to cruise around and stopping at various spots he used to like cruising to. there was even a police escort from the start point (they were notified of the event) and seen along the way. As i got there late (as usual) i missed the gathered cars in the overfull carpark at city west, but did manage to catch up along the way (not hard finding a sh!tload of cars cruising around perth!). for a full wrap up visit Autolifeperth.

 But while we were out and about, at one meet place there was a real nice S8 rx7 and after most of the cars left, he had it parked in just the right way that i decided to take a few night shots of it . haven't done a night shoot in ages and this was just the thing i needed!
Considering it was an industrial area and swamped in yellow sulpher lights i still managed to get some decent shots after a bit of editing, rather sweet i reckon!

not the sharpest, but the remnants of someone's burnout make it look like mist!

 Then after the cruise we went to maccas on leach hwy (as you do) and sat around gas bagging etc till 3am! thought some quick snaps of the area were needed, just to do something to stop me falling asleep ;)

so there's a little look into what i get up to!

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