Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hot Summer Nites #2

     Hot Summer Nights #2, presented by the Cranksters hot rod club is looking to be the main cruise meet for any pre 78 car/van/truck/bike for the start of ther new year! not that we have a lot here in Perth, but this is definately the way to get the new year up and running. The Venue, as is was last year, is a great wide open sports field that has a bar and kitchen in the main club bdlg that was a hive of activity due to the cool drinks and warm food (even if the wind started to get cold by late evening) and a fenced off area for the family gatherings and blanket brigade, which when coupled with the live rockabilly bands that were playing made for a cosy atmosphere! Ice cream and coffee were trading well as were a few of the stalls around the fence line.

 last year there was around 150 cars that turned up, this year saw that swell to just a tad over 270 cars so definitely worth the drive north (well for me it was!)
and there was a huge mix of standard resto's, customs, and rods that shows that Perth, although miles from any other city, is not to be outdone with the quality and  variety of rides around the place.
 So if you have a liking for older cars/bikes etc and dont mind the rockabilly music and people having a chat, then whack this on your calendar for next year. i may even have paint on mine by then!

the kids could even have their photo taken in a rod!!!

love the way this turned out!!!

one of the bands playing
this is the same car as the first photo of it driving down the road!

damn i love this one!!!

this was for sale too...mmmmm

even with the very cool breeze, people were still enjoying it!



WAcharger club was well represented!

Another band!


so there you have it! stay tuned for some more cruise soon!!!
